Design & Art Direction. Currently at «ROBINHOOD».
«SPOTIFY» Hot Country
When the internal design team at Spotify had the opportunity to rebrand Spotify’s biggest country playlist, we were tasked with a new challenge — building a bridge between the most forward-thinking music brand in the world and a music genre rooted in tradition.

Knowing that majority of the country audience is commited to traditional values and ideas, we knew that in order to be successful in this task we had to focus on what makes country, country.
︎ Full case study here ︎

By rooting the branding in elemenets that are familiar to this audience but finding ways to tweak it through colors, shapes and movement, we were able to create a brand identity that sits in the intersection of tradition and innovation. The Hot-Country star was introduced to give the design a strong center of gravity. With the star as our hero element, we were able to crop in on the shape to display the layouts in playful and unexpected ways.

Crop Circle Activation


Hot Country Live at the Spotify House in Nashville.

Executive Creative Director: Alexander Bodman
Global Design Director: Rasmus Wängelin
Senior Art Director: Martin Berggren
Art Director: Angeline Toh
Design: Martin Berggren, Angeline Toh, Rasmus Wangelin, Ellen Pai, Josephine Tan, Rainy Fu
Motion design: Josephine Tan
Brand Manager: Amanda Butler, Francine Tamakloe, Aaron Melaragno, Angela Gonzales
Extended team: Heather Brodie, Cecilia Azcarate, Kenzie Tankersley, Andon Espeseth, Jenna Allchin,
Eden Greenstein, Brittany Schaffer, Marian Dicus, John Marks