Design & Art Direction. Currently at «ROBINHOOD».
«SPOTIFY» Play Their Resumé
Women and gender diverse people are underrepresented as producers and audio engineers.
For the younger generation, you can’t be what you can’t see. Spotify is launching a consumer-facing campaign to increase visibility for women and gender diverse people in these spaces. The goal is to celebrate these professionals and encourage the next generation.

In partnership with SoundGirls, a global database of women and gender diverse professionals was rebuilt to eliminate the excuse, “I wanted to work with a woman, but I couldn’t find any.” The design direction of the campaign was inspired by the Yellow Pages phonebook directory.

In the music industry, your work is your resumé. It is Spotify's goal to work with female and gender diverse audio professionals to create custom playlists of their work and through a campaign that reveals the hit songs they’ve helped create we’ll encourage the audience to #PlayTheirResume.

Each woman featured in the campaign shares their career roadmap in social content, making the journey feel possible and tangible.

Play Their Resumé is an evolution of Spotify’s continued support of an open and inclusive ecosystem.
Global Executive Creative Director: Alex Bodman
Director of Social Impact: Kerry Steib
Associate Creative Directors: Shannon Ross, Kenia Perez
Sr. Art Director: Ellen Pai
Art Director: Angeline Toh
Copywriter: Colette McIntyre
Brand Manager: Christine Motch
Producer: Kenzie Tankersley